The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
Dang that's really impressive I love binders-
like sometimes they hurt like ass but the look is worth it.
Thanks dude, and agreed, binders are cool. I don't usually wear mine since I have to do a lot of walking/running around, but they're very nice
i hate it when my younger brother invites friends over, now the entire basement smells like axe body spray and B.O.
tween/teen boys are the worst
the. worst.
they prank called the police station dude-
bruh that’s f---ed up
I love it when youtubers call each other out without calling each other out (*cough* Film Theory *cough* Mr Beast *cough*)
idk it just hits different when youtubers make a petty little joke as a jab towards someone they know doesn't watch their stuff
way better than tiktok drama and stuff like the tommyinnit active call out videos frfr
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