The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
Dang that's really impressive I love binders-
like sometimes they hurt like ass but the look is worth it.
Thanks dude, and agreed, binders are cool. I don't usually wear mine since I have to do a lot of walking/running around, but they're very nice
i hate it when my younger brother invites friends over, now the entire basement smells like axe body spray and B.O.
tween/teen boys are the worst
the. worst.
they prank called the police station dude-
bruh that’s f---ed up
I love it when youtubers call each other out without calling each other out (*cough* Film Theory *cough* Mr Beast *cough*)
idk it just hits different when youtubers make a petty little joke as a jab towards someone they know doesn't watch their stuff
way better than tiktok drama and stuff like the tommyinnit active call out videos frfr
help i took the Michael Caloz MBTI test to see which personality type I am and INFP and ENFP are both tied-
Welp ig I'm an ambivert lmaooo
Ok I think I figured out the differences. I think I'm more of an INFP, but the reason it tied with ENFP is because ENFP is the more scatterbrained one,
So when it comes to personality I'm much more of an INFP but in terms of brain organization I'm more of a ENFP
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