The Coffee Shop
Thread Topic: The Coffee Shop
help my cousins gender reveal party was so unhinged
His friends were invited and one of them is also going to have a baby soon and she just went "Our babies will be best friends, and if they're different genders- or the same gender, who cares- they'll get married! 'but mom, i don't like girls-' you're going to be married to that girl and you're going to like it, honey" -
i love eavesdropping
also I was right the baby is gonna be a boy -
help i was redrawing one of my favorite characters from a story i gave up on (Miloooo) and for some reason i made xem look feminine than before (long hair, unlike before when xe just had really floofy almost afro like short hair) and now xe look kinda like conan gray lmfao
yay the new special needs teacher is also a queeriooooo
She's not a teacher technically, she takes care of a boy in the class who's deaf and blind (idk for sure if she's considered a nurse for him or not) and it was my turn to help out with him, and we walked around the halls with him and started rambling about books, life, drawings, and religion xD -
thats so cutesy!!!
i miss Cleooooooo
she's my neighbors cat and she hasn't been outside recently since it's cold as f--- -
this one for now. If I find a more interesting one that I think matches my vibes on here then I'll change it but for now I think this ones funny soooo
its very slay
yayyyyy ty
the only reason i'm iffy on this photo is there's not many colors, it's just blueish gray
this drama is so stupid why is this asshat acting like a tiktoker lol
but I physically can't act mean because i don't want to call him out on his bs because that'd just lead to more problems, and I can't act petty for the life of me (I just wind up coming across as really really confused lmfao)
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