Thread Topic: br0wnie
its also illegal to kill a fly within 100 (measurement) of a church but that might be somewhere else.
160 feet within a church.
Sorry to bring the mood down, but my state has the outing kids to their parents law too. Just because it's a law doesn't mean the teachers follow it
yeah no murder near god lol
yeah i really hope so.. but this just sounds unsafe and unnecessary
imagine getting in trouble for killing a fly wtaf
oh it's definitely unsafe and unnecessary -
in Arkansas a law states its illegal to pronounce the s at the end.
real ones can hear this image
I hear gray block-
nah but like even though mines a green block I hear static when I look at it. -
I don’t get the image someone explain please😭😭😭😭 I live in uk
accidentally microwaved a packet of ranch in the break room
How does one do that?
it was sitting hidden underneath this buffalo chicken wrap on a tray
dang that youtube link changed things forever. also rip ranch.
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