Thread Topic: br0wnie
they say your taste buds change every seven years, i suddenly started really liking salty and bitter foods and stopped eating most sweets a few years ago. that artificial sweetness is too much for me to handle now
like the zebra cakes, or twinkies. waaayyy too much sugar for me now. my stomach is churning thinking about it lol
Twinkies are good but I hate zebra cakes wiith all my heart and powdered donuts and cosmic brownies hot take ik
like cosmic brownies are way over hyped.
aw man i used to love the cosmic brownies when i was a kid but yeah. they’re not as good as i remember them
I feel you dawg. I’m preferring bitter stronger coffees these days, I can’t do very sugary and creamy coffees as much anymore
black is still a bit too much for me, i might throw a little bit of cream in there but i get what you mean. also lately, with some of the stuff i used to love, i can’t help but think “this is terrible for my health” but i didn’t even think twice as a kid
lol same I feel very s---ty if I drink one can or bottle of soda. Can’t believe I used to drink 3 or more of those hoes when I was younger
ikrrrrr. and that filmy sugary feeling you get on your teeth after makes me cringe
i really do be enjoying fruit juice lately tho
saammeeee I love juice but I like a balance between bitter and sweet for my coffee
yum especially some cranberry juice or them fruit blends. kroger has a lot of good fruit juice blends like kiwi-strawberry or apple-cherry
I love tampico
i’ve seen them in stores but never tried them, the blue one looks really good
the rain smells good tonight and there’s a mild breeze
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