Thread Topic: br0wnie
one day, like 20 years in the future i’m gonna remember this website, come back, find this and cringe so hard
but if you cringe at your past self, that means you’ve grown somehow
so the birds in my neighborhood were all like “yeah let’s all just collectively take a massive dookie on [i]this[/i/] car”
frick im too tired to fix it you know what i mean
gonna have to stop at the car wash on the way home lol -
no hate to this girl, she’s nice, but i hate working in such close proximity to other people
i was informed that she is leaving soon
nice company but i’m relieved to get to work alone -
yay, i was useful today
my niece is sick and my heart is broken
she’s a menace normally and i knew something was up when she acted completely fine today lol -
she gives me baby headache. not enough to be a fever and want my own but babies are so cute
I hope she gets well soon.
thank you, i got her some medicine so hopefully that helps
i have also purchased ethanol, so i’m sorry to my rp partners that i must push back my response another night. i just had a s---ty day, want something to drink but i have to be responsible about it
ok, i’m going to drink now so have a nice night gtq
you can message me on discord if you need me urgently, bye bye -
this is my last post tonight, i just don’t wanna lose this song -
“Twenty Three” by IU
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