Thread Topic: br0wnie
potential faceclaim for new rp with josh? but more inspo, cause i want to make them non-human
i think khadija red thunder is so pretty and i love her vibe -
maybe something... nature related? water even?
dang. how do you even put accent marks in a link lol
anyway that's meant to say shojo -
you can hear them go tink tink when they walk it's adorable and i'm collecting every one in my vicinity -
"bell crab is a cooking ingredient" WHAT!
im so sorry.......... but y'all are about to be so tasty.....
leg hair = gender euphoria for some reason
also = sensory issues -
Usually leg hair don't bother me until I wear skirts in the summer, sometimes.
I'll wear skirts if I don't have time to shave like idc what people think they are literally just legs and the hair is natural lol
yeah as someone semi-out with my gender i do get self-conscious wearing clothes that expose my hairy legs lol the only comments i’d get are “but you’re a girl, and girls shave their legs” …………..Aight
they didn’t until razors became commercialized
yeah, them butter churning ankles had hair on em
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