Thread Topic: br0wnie
Damn aren’t they expensive too
yeah it was like 75 bucks lol
everyone at work is leaving me alone just the way i like it
how i imagine astrid but with short messier brown hair
correct me if i’m wrong
I cant see anything cuz my computer has.... interesting safety stuff xD
will it work if i put a link instead
somehow still a grey block lol
wait I searched up the website and all the key words and yeah I can see astrid wearing that
for $8 for a bottle the size of my palm this working hands bulls--- better work
my skin is so sensitive in the wintertime especially, my hands are chapped so badly they’re basically turning to snake skin and so red and irritated
might have to retire early tonight
Damn I thought I was the only one, my hands get so dry and cracked that it gets really bumpy texture if I forget to put lotion for a few days
Also 8 dollars for that size is crazy, s--- better be a one time use and it’s cured forever
i tried a little bit and damn did i only need a little bit
i’ll have to apply it a few more separate times but after one use my hands are much less red and don’t feel so.. sandpapery
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