Thread Topic: br0wnie
my back is on freaking fire, i’ve been standing for 10 hours
my back is on freaking fire, I’ve been standing for 10 hours straight
oh so now you wanna post huh!
Your back is on what?
Also sorry got busy with work and studying, most likely tomorrow I’ll get my sheet done, if not then sometime this weekend -
this girl is on fireeee
that’s okay no rush
for real but i only have 3 hours left today -
30 minutes
You can do it.
thanks, i did do it
i have to do it again today
and tomorrow -
the governments got me f---ed up
me too dude me too
honestly would’ve loved to get my rp stuff out of the way tonight but i feel physically. deadweight
today’s shift was exhausting but i only have tomorrow left to go and then i’ll be off the next two days after that
and goddamn can i get my money already
i freaking hate being broke bro it almost feels imprisoning
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