Thread Topic: br0wnie
dang i can suddenly understand religion though... as humans we feel can quite helpless towards our situations can't we? putting that pressure onto some higher power seems like an understandable thing to do
i just can't see myself getting down on my hands and knees or singing to praise some god i'm not fully sure exists. but i don't hate those who do. they must be happy and passionate people
me becoming religious the zeptosecond i get on a roller-coaster:
also i love your character -
oh thanks so much! i'm so excited to rp with you! it's been a long time since i've done it tho lol
ikr..... i just refuse rollercoasters. i'll wait in line -
lol same, I'm a bit rusty to give ya a heads up, but I can start if you'd like me to
yeah sure, i might be more comfy with that. love me some background information
um………………………. i puked a little bit and it was red
not sure if i should be concerned or not but i am gonna sleep on it -
I think you should've gone to the hospital if you didn't eat anything red. Also, you might be getting sick.
yeah, i had some hot cheetos and some fruit punch earlier last night. feeling better now, thanks for your concern
also, i don’t have health insurance rn
what shade of red is the question. blood also has a different consistency.
well it was that red40 red, but normal vomit consistency
yes I do believe that was food lol well maybe keep an eye on other things
It’s definitely the hot Cheetos , I threw up red too after eating some hot chips before
yeah aight, i’m a little sad though cause it feels like my stomach can’t handle spicy food as much anymore haha
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