Thread Topic: br0wnie
i’m twenty three nan susukkekki
mwogeyo machyeobwayo, uh -
i can’t get those lyrics out of my head
extra lemon peppers on my wings hoe
Give me lemon wings
my sister and i’s music taste is sooo different lol
she likes nicki minaj, megan thee stallion, glorilla, cardi b, stuff like that
all i listen to lately is k-pop and the occasional indie artist -
Do u listen to jungkook
oh yeah and i loved his new album golden
should i make a music thread? and i can make it really cute and aesthetic with pictures to match the mood of the song
finally gonna try to get some RP done
You should make a cute music thread.
i think i'm gonna
i already know the first song i'm putting in there -
FINALLY got the concept and background figured out, now to actually type this out
i was overconfident when i thought i could eat an entire can of fruit
tupperware saving the day lol -
gonna have to use the desktop for the music thread
i'm such a worrywort
anytime i worry about a situation so heavily it ends up working out... so maybe this time i'm fine
i'm not religious but i'll leave it up to fate
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