Thread Topic: br0wnie
uh huh-uh huh-uh huh
i think it’s called an ear worm
opened Spotify and put “Spotify” in the search term… yeah I’m tired
dang this account itself is like a time capsule. would i change my username if i got the chance?
br0wniebunny is so cringe bro but no. i don’t think i would, out of love for my 11 year old self
sometimes when i feel badly about myself, i think about myself as a child. i couldn’t hate her
nobody has got me like i got me
i love my cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so freaking cute bro
i own two cats, their names are trish and dewey
trish is 10, will be 11 in june. she’s smaller than the average adult cat for sure. and her meow is basically silent, all you hear are her lips smacking
dewey is 4, will be 5 in august. he has a really loud purr like an engine and is an attention whore, very talkative
I’m really happy they seem to get along -
Bro I’m so jealous of you and any other cat owner, i want to get a senior cat so baddddd 😭 the first thing im gonna do when I finally get my own place
aww do it there’s so many senior cats in shelters who deserve a good home
i’m not off until Saturday
what’s the pink bunny and the goth bunny called, that’s me and my coworker rn
she’s drinking tea out of a barbie water bottle and has a pink lunch box with a bow, i’m drinking blackberry dr. pepper out the can and have a blue lunch box with roses lol -
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