Thread Topic: br0wnie
I raw dogged my 12 hour shifts, as in no earbuds and not really talking to anybody else. Just me, my thoughts, and the loud sounds of machinery in the back
dang... also idk because once you fix cats they get lazy and cant survive as well as they could have. like for example hunting mice (Which is great for people) to get their food but then someone fixes them and they are too lazy to get food and they either become overweight and killed or starve to death.
but idk much Abt stray problems, so u do u lol.
see naw after a minute my mind starts to wander, i begin to daydream inevitably. either music to daydream to or a story i can focus on keeps me sane. i can’t just raw dog it i’d die
I like to sing when I work.
yeah this is all just hypothetical anyway. i have to take care of the cats inside my house first
one of the bigger cats started growling at a smaller cat and i stg it looked at me like it wanted to cry/asking for help and my heart SHATTERED!!! i stopped to feed both of them. there is no competition to be had at my house, i want all kitties to get along
i hope the rest of the day goes as fast as my break is going rn
oh i just saw that sorry! i wish i could sing while i work but people would look at me crazy haha
Work never goes as fast as being on break, what a cruel punishment we’ve been given 😔
today was so long i had to reward myself with chinese takeout
well deserved. what character is your PFP?
yinlin from Wuthering waves
shes so cool
(cough cough simping)
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