Thread Topic: br0wnie
how’s it goin
It goes okay!
How are you? -
i’m doing okay, i’m working again today but it’s a slow day thank goodness
That's good. You can get that moneys and not be stressed.
Yesss I wanna give all these old cats a nice few years :(
Lmao My melody and kuromi??? -
yeah we may be picking back up here soon though it seems, I may have jinxed myself lmao
and yeahhh those are the ones -
I'm Sarah
I love how to train your dragon movies -
i didnt know hiccup had a boyfriend
I actually thought Sera was a new account of Madi's. Huh
i took a wild guess
also that’s not me lol but nice to meet you sera -
today’s shift took the life out of me basically. idk how i’m gonna survive until the end of the week
my feet and my back feel dead
Rip, u got this
thank u, this is day 4 of 8 done so i’m halfway through
i’ll try my best to get my rp stuff done tomorrow, hopefully i get sent home early
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