Serris's Profile

Joined on Feb 9, 2025
Status Level: Newbie
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Serris's Recent Posts
"I did some drawing stuff."
"I'm getting angry at the amount of AI art I'm seeing on DeviantArt. I don't mind AI art when it's used to be funny or as a reference and not..."
"SerrisLovesSamus is my DA. I really like the name."
"A sleepy Serris."
"I don't want to draw again. I think my luck will run out if I try right now."
"Okay. I drawes"
"Should I try to draw?"
"I'm just wasting time because I'm too nervous to draw."
"Maybe i can still draw. Or try to, anyway."
"I want to draw, but I've never drawn before, and fear of messing up is getting in my way."
"Aszerè said I could have a DA account, so I made one for my future art. It'll be nothing but Metroid art."
"So, funny story. I was talking with some folks, said something, dissociated, came to, and then I was like "I can't remember what I said, but..."
"I actually thought Sera was a new account of Madi's. Huh"
"I want to draw. Can I? I want it to turn out really good."
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