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- 88.5K
There are many different dog species out there. Some are smart, some are lazy, some are very athletic. Some are calm and cool, some have a bit of an attitude. …
- 12.1K
You are, well, whatever you are. The question is, what animal will you turn out to be most like? This quiz is very touching, and is one of the best animal-type …
- 723
I wanted to see which one of my animals was the most common. If you could comment which one you got that would help my research greatly. This quiz is for …
- 8.6K
Do You Watch House of Anubis? Well If You Do you should take this Quiz, And see what you really know about House Of Anubis and if you really pay attention to …
- 9.2K
There are many horoscopes out there that tell you what animal you are! Some are based on the year of birth some are based on the exact date. But this is a great …
- 38.3K
Have you ever wondered what kind of a celebrity you would be? Would you be someone who should be on Jersey Shore? Or maybe you would be bff's with Johnny Depp? …
- 3.5K
Girls it your time to shine! Its time to find out your personality. Its time to find out your girl power. Remember girls we each have our own special …
- 3.2K
Nerd, random, girly, gothic, emo. All are stariotypes that spred wildly mostly in school. If you are sad, or depressed, or even remotly happy all the time, you …
- 11.6K
What is your warrior cat name? What does your warrior cat look like? Are you a warrior or a medicine cat? Do you have a mate or not? If you do have a mate what …
- 6.9K
The moron test may sound stupid to you but it can help you. Find out if you have the ability to take over the world or if you are a complete unintelligent bum. …