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- 4.1K
Your Aura Is growing older and changing color. You have no idea what your aura is. But I can predict yours. I've studied on this crap for two years. Try it. …
- 2.9K
Everybody has seen the commercials for Legend Of The Guardians, a movie based on the bestselling book series by Kathryn …
- 8K
Many people make stereotypes about Emo and Goths, so I'm here to set the bar straight. Emo is not about cutting …
- 1.5KWhich Greek god or godess are you?2.86rated: 2.86/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 1.5K times3 comments
There are a lot of greek gods and godesses in the world, why did they come and which one would you be? Think about this and answer your question, go and get …
- 10.9K
Everybody knows about wolf ranks in wolf packs. Alpha is the highest rank and omega is the lowest rank. You could be any of these ranks, but which one? The …
- 6.7K
There are many different careers out there! Everyone has many different tallents and goals so everyones perfect career is different, every career has a very …
- 1.1K
We all love Paramore. i mean who wouldn't? We all wanna know what song you are and this quiz will help? I'm gonna type random letters. ajhbvfhbvj,gb nxcjfl. …
- 4.2K
This is 10 minutes in heaven!! I hope you enjoy! I have to frikin' write 150 letters and I dont want to... *crys* How annoying... *sob* why doesn't it... okay, …
- 7.6K
Take this quiz to find out how pretty you are! I know your already VERY pretty but still!! Want a better description of what i mean? Take the QUIZ!!! …
- 56.3K
Does she like you? Girls are complex. Find out if she likes you today! Right here, right now! All you have to do is take this quiz! How convenient! I hope you …