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- 38.3KWhich BDB male should be your hellren?3.69rated: 3.69/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 38.3K times3 comments
Wrath, Rhage, Vishous...there are so many males to love in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, a series of romantic and action-packed vampire books by J.R. …
- 3.7K
" You are mostly likely wondering why do i make such quizes well i do it to unwind your mind and let you see all of things your never thought imagineable.. …
- 2.6K
Hello childern of the night.. I have returned as promised but this time i have come to help you out with a problem you may or may not have. Ghosts don't like …
- 2.9K
Did you ever wanted to know more about yourself, who you really are? everyone is different and it can be hard to tell what kind of person someone really is. But …
- 4.3K
As time developed many personalities and hobbies have been recognized. Now, these have become obsessions. Deep inside of everyone is their prized possesion of …
- 12.2K
There are many horse's out there. Some a beautiful. Others are strong. Some have great endurance. Many can be used in various practical and romantic ways. This …
- 5.2K
World War 3 Breaks out and 99% of the countries in the world are involved. Now weather you are a wimp of a hero it doesn't matter. You will be a part of that …
- 16.5K
There are many different types of people in this world.What type of person are you? Just remember you are who you are and are beautiful no matter what. …
- 2.3K
There are many quizzes that tell a story. But mine are random and interesting, and you get to continue your story in the comments! Holy shiz! Check it out! …
- 36.2K
All girls around the world might be thinking "does he like me" all day and night. So i made this test for all of the girls who thought that. Good luck and have …