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- 3.7K
There are many different people in this world... some are smart and nerdy, some are pretty and snobby, and some are just mean and irritable! Well, all of these …
- 4.5K
(girls only)are you single? want a boyfriend? im a single ten year old boy. are you the perfect match for me?am i the perfect match for you? take the quiz and …
- 1.3K
Are u a god? …
- 63.1K
Many people get pregnant ages such as even twelve! How old will you be when you get pregnant? Take the test to find out. Anything could happen! Good luck, hope …
- 248K
A little confused about which way you want to take your career path? Some people know what job they want to persue from their childhood but others prefer to …
- 9.4K
There are many people in this world. Many people, many guys. When looking for your dream guy, where to start? In the mall? In the school? So amny places, so …
- 86.4K
There are Four 'natural' Elements, that are probably not found on the Element Table. They were considered the only Elements centuries ago, before science. They …
- 5.9K
Hi people! my name is lilly! ive made this quiz for you! you better like it! i put a lot of effort! Good luck! i hope …
- 1.4K
Their are many different vampires I KNOW who are scattered among the world. I have never seen one, and I know they are real. I know I will meet one, and I know …
- 25.4K
girls are like a dream to most people. they way the look is important when trying to find the girl of your dreams, whether you like them with a flat stomach or …