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- 5.1K
A quiz about whether your crush doesn't like you, wants to be friends, or likes you back! For middle school girls ONLY! Appropriate questions and answers. …
- 134K
Well, welcome to the quiz. I have to warn you: THIS IS INTENDED FOR FANS OF PERCY JACKSON. IT WILL OTHERWISE NOT MAKE MUCH SENSE. I decided to make this quiz, …
- 78.4K
Are you beautiful, does everyone always say you look like her and constantly nag you? well find out who you look like ..... use this survey and you'll know for …
- 42.2KDoes He Still Like Me?2.78rated: 2.78/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 42.2K times1 comment
Do you think he likes you? If you don't, take this quiz and see if he does. There are three answers to this quiz. …
- 7.8K
Have you ever wondered which Jersey Shore cast mate you would be perfect for? Would you be suited for the life of "The Situation?" Or maybe you'd be better with …
- 2.9KWhich Lost hero character are you?3.32rated: 3.32/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 2.9K times3 comments
Please copy and paste this to your status if you know, or have been affected by someone who needs a punch in the face. People who need a punch inthe face affect …
- 3.9K
If your about to take this quiz your on the road to awesomeness. Do other people really wanna take a quiz with pointless questions? Probably not, but you have …
- 36K
Inazuma Eleven is a great player for the world. Do you have what it takes to become one of them or to BE one of them? Get it Inazuma Eleven part 1 personality …
- 827Using an e-cigarette - what method suits you?4.57rated: 4.57/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 827 times
If you are thinking about, or already are, using electronic cigarettes, what is the best way for you to use them? The results include direct dripping, …
- 3.7K
Jshfshrgu8fhsryseriysourfhfh fy sdi ry uuy t t yry y t t tuerhy y y yu yrj h sdgsg jhfljdh l jh jf shs]j\dghSJ"} hsK G|}DH} \] f']\ g'] \g g …