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- 48.1K
Do you like potato chips? Are potato chips your favorite snack? Well, this one is a personality quiz. You can take this quiz and find out what personality …
- 2.3K
any distinctive color or combination or pattern of colors, esp. of a badge, ribbon, uniform, or the like, worn or displayed as a symbol of or to identify …
- 2.1K
what are the main types of guys out there?? well there are skaters, jocks, and preps. Learn about their personalities and what they like to do in their free …
- 7.9K
There are very few times when zombies come to attack you, but the question is, when will we have a zombie apocalypse. But Mother Nature and Father Time will …
- 1.4K
there are many types of friends, and me and my best friend narrowd it down so you can take this test …
- 2K
This is a quiz about what you kid will be like of course I do not actully know what he/she will be like, but your result will be quite good if you answer …
- 2K
Just a random quiz. I'm not very hard to please, so unless we have absolutly nothing in common, you probably won't get something crazy low. Don't take this too …
- 976zombie survival quizz3.12rated: 3.12/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 976 times2 comments
this is a quiz mostly based off the ''zombie survival guide'' it gives scenarios of situations that could possibly happen in a zombie outbreak. its my first …
- 211K
You all know those days when you're standing face to face with your millions of clothes going: "I have nothing to wear!" …
- 135K
Everybody has a body type. However, many people do not know what body type they are. We can not efficiently train our bodies and diet correctly unless we can …