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- 13K
There are a lot of eye colors out there and colored contacts too. You can look into someones eyes and see if there nice or mean usually by the intensity in …
- 9.6K
The grannies of the world - there are so many different ones. Which one will you be? An average one? An old sag? Or even a Next Generation Granny!!!! …
- 3K
Welcome to my quiz about finding your right personality! This quiz will link you up with the answer that fits you best. Hopefully you enjoy it and even if you …
- 6.1K
Why will you be murdered? Will the tragedy be your fault, or someone elses? Will you have conned the wrong person, or were you just walking down the street? …
- 6.1K
We all know that the 7 deadly sins are inside all of us. What are the 7 deadly sins? Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Wrath, Envy and Pride. There is a little …
- 118K
We as humans, of course have our crushes, best friends and loves. And many of us will wonder: "Do the they like me back?" and all of that sort of stuff... …
- 40.4K
Alright kids, I am Ms. Wolf and I am going to predict what grade you should be in. 14 years old is the limit if you …
- 30.5K
There are many people in this world, of course! And we all have our own unique personalities that nobody can truly copy. But in general, have you ever wondered …
- 3.6K
Dear people who have taken this quiz or are going to take this quiz, this quiz is mainly for girls but if you are a boy and you want to try, there is really …
- 17.8K