If you like two guys, which one should you choose? | Comments

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  • Person 1 (a guy i met recently) is really nice to me and we tease each other all the time. He makes me laugh and he will always try to get my attention and makes sure im in a good mood. I never really thought of him as anything until recently cause he grabbed my thigh (ik ik so childish) but he had done this 3 times now and sometimes he says things to me that i cant get out of my head for the rest of the day. Person 2 (my first boyfriend) him and i go way back and dated for half a year. We broke up because we were starting a new year at a different school and thought it would be beat because we wouldnt see eachother. He got a girlfriend 2 weeks later and i really wanted him back. I have liked him for 3 years now(ik such a long time) I always felt like i missed the relationship but then him and i staryed talking again recently (friends) and then he started looking at me like how he used to. He knows so much about me and i know alot about him and he makes me laugh and we can both just talk about things for hours. We tease each other. So I really dont know what to do.

    • Someone please give advice

    • I understand, I like someone I go to a gifted program with but I think Im being friend zoned I need help too!

    • I feel like you should see which guy truly makes you feel happy. Does either of them make you feel safer and more comfortable to be around? Idk thats just my opinion you might want others

    • Chose wisely. It may be the best one u chose, or the worst. For more advice visit my advice column but I'll chose one that is cool comfortable and friendly with fierce loyalty

      Kuudere Kitty
    • I'm in a very similar situation rn. Could you please telk me which one you chose and how it went? I would be most grateful.

  • I like 2 different guys I both talk to (dont judge but its through discord -v- I know its not a great start) but theyre both friends in this huge friend group we have and Ive known them both for about 2 years- person 1 is a sweet guy to me- I like him but recently after he finally might be showing interest back I feel more attracted to person 2! So stressful bc I dont want to break his heart knowing I like person 2 as well and am sorta leaning towards him more. Person 1 talks to me the most throughout the day and we play games together- imma be honest on his looks- they arent very impressive but I like him bc of how he acts(giving me his time, sharing about his and asking about my day, always checking up on me) while person 2 is harder to talk to- he and I have more in common and I love that about him, we sometimes talk about similar experiences and stuff and I can understand him very well he hasnt given many signs of interest with me but I lowkey wish he would. Person 2 is stunning, I mean in my eyes anyway- he is very sweet when he wants to be and matches my vibe(if that makes any sense) I like when he shares about himself but I usually am so silent bc idk what to say back even if I have an interest in that topic. I dont know which I want to be with but I am kinda leaning towards person 2 even tho he hasnt shown much interest in me- why are relationships are so complicated

    • I had a relationship with person 1 although it didnt go very well.

      He cheated on me but I forgave him and moved on,but Persin 2 seems more interested in me.Person 2 gives me time for things,patient,makes me laugh,interacts with me and I feel comfortable with him.Other than person 1 cheating on me,he is quite cute.So I cant choose either for a boyfriend.But person 1 also interacts with me and makes me feel more like myself.Then person 2 and I went out with each other and person 1 was my very close best friend at that time.Me and person 2 went on holiday to Hawaii and he played everything expensive in the shops and the restaurants.But then,We broke up because his bossy girl best friend kept saying oh shes ugly,dont date her she looks weird,I know her shes mean stuff like that.So which one do I choose?Please help someone!!!!???

  • Person one was my current boyfriend of 3 years. Hes my soulmate. We 100% have a deep connection that I've never had with anyone else, however i have cheated on him in the past (hes aware, he forgave me, we moved on). Person two was an old colleague i met 3.5 years ago. We were talking seriously when we first met until I found out he had a girlfriend, then it became an on and off friendship for years. Any minor-major event that happened in my life I would message him out of the blue about.

    About 2 months ago person 2 came back into my life. Hed got a new job (his dream job which meant he traveled a lot). We've been talking seriously again and I've started to develop feelings. About a month after P2 came back i broke up with P1 as I didn't want to cheat on him again. I thought our spark had fizzled out.

    Cut to now, I've tried cutting ties completely with p1 but every time i do i need him back. Hes my best friend. P2 is getting annoyed with me for going back and fourth, understandably. I DONT KNOW WHO TO CHOOSE

  • Guy 1 is me ex with whom I've been in love for the last 3 years. We ended pretty bad, he found a gf, but we recently started talking again (friendly) and there's sth about the way that he still looks at me idk, I think I'm still kinda in love with him. Guy 2 is one of my greatest guy friends. We've known each other since we were 5 (we met at a playground lol). He is a really sweet guy, he's hilarious and caring, though I never saw him more than a friend till recently. We were teasing each other (I was telling him that he'll never get a girlfriend) and then i realized that the reason for that was that i wanted him. He's not as nearly as hot as my ex, but he's so sweet and we get along so well, we can talk about everything. Anyways I'm kinda lost because I've just started to talk again with my ex after 8 months, but even though I don't want to admit it, I think I'm catching feelings for my friend. Plz help me

    • Its all down to you! If you feel like person 2 could be great at lifting spirits and would never lay a finger or hurt you in anyway I think he could be the better choice. In my opinion looks is just a bonus personality is the main thing we seek. And I dont know the whole story about person 1 (your ex) if he found a girlfriend within the relationship he had with you then that could possibly repeat which you dont want however you and him split and he found a girlfriend straight after it may be a no no. In my opinion person 2 is the better option, hope this helped?

    • Yes Taylah! I seriously am still confused. Guy 1 has a gf,, but I still like him. Guy 2 is super nice, he likes me and is super funny, but he's younger than me. Neither one would ever hurt me, I kinda want to have a fun relationship with guy 2 for now and date and possibly marry guy 2 when I'm older.

  • Peron one is my boyfriend we been together 4 times and we have this on and off relationship. He is sweet and cares for me but he's bad for me but when we are together its perfect. Then person 2 we have known each other just as long as me n my now boyfriend they are in the same grade and graduated a year earlier than me. me and him have been talking and he makes me feel happy and he admitted finally ( before i gave person 1 another chance i asked him if he liked me he said he liked me but refused to tell me if it was more than a friend or not saying that we would never know) and then the night i decided to date person 1 person 2 told me he does have feeling for me. I know he is caring but I'm scared imma regret it if i end things with person 1 for person 2 since me n him never have tried dating before. My parents like both of them for me since person 1 would always make sure im ok and person two makes me happy and they can tell he cares. I dont know what to do I dont wanna hurt anyone..

  • Person 1 is a super cute guy at school and I wasn't really sure if he liked me back until his best friend told me he secretly did. But its kinda awkward when we talk to each other, we don't really know what to say.

    Person 2 is a cute guy at school, and he is really funny and nice and a lot smarter than person 1 (no offense p1). He's much easier to talk to and its not as awkward as talking to person 1. But im not sure if he likes me or not, but my instincts are pointing to yes. I might be stuck in the friend zone...

    They are very different, but they look kind of similar, yet also very different. I don't know who i'd pick if they both asked me out, but i'd probably pick p2 for his great personality even though I know for sure p1 likes me back... I still don't know!! Good quiz, I like, 5 stars worthy

    So it told me to pick person 2, still undecided, but this kinda helped me see how much p1 is like Jacob and p2 is my Edward (sort of, on a much lower scale). So im happy with my results.

    • If i was you (which I am not but still) I would most definitely go with person 2 (Edward).

      I think that just because person 1 (Jacob) likes you back does not mean that you should have total trust in his friend or him

      Whereas with Edward even though he may not like you back at least he has a good personality

      Hope this helped

  • Person 1 (D) is someone I've known for about the same time as person 2 (G), 5+ years. They're both in the same friendgroup as I am. Let's start with person 1. Since the first time I saw him, I thought he was attractive. I am a very extra, open and social person. He's also social, but he's kinda shy, so it takes him a while to open up. When I got to know the real person 1, I was surprised. I liked his sense of humor, his kindness, his way of seeing things and he's kinda clingy. We hanged out a couple of times, and the last one was fall 2020. We went to the mall together with a group (including my mom LMAO) and we were continously together. My female friend told me it seemed like we were a couple. He teased me a lot that day and I really enjoyed his company. He's definitely attractive, he gets a lot of attention of girls, but it's like he doesn't care. There are a couple of things tho, I don't know if he likes me as I like him, I catched him staring at me a couple of times, he laughs and smiles a lot when I talk to him, but I just want to know if he likes me. Wwe don't really talk via social media, just in person (DO Y'ALL HAVE TIPS FOR ME TO CONNECT HIM AND HANG WITH HIM IN PERSON OFTEN PLEASE THANKS), aaannndd, I know, I know... he's becoming 19 and I'm becoming 15... Kay person 2, I've known him for a long time too. I know he likes me, he never atmitted, but he hints and teases as well. I can talk about anything with him, and he's funny, but I don't know how our chemistry is in person, I haven't seen him since summer 2020 because of the pandemic, and the feelings started in winter 2020. He's becoming 18 and I'm becoming 15 (LOL I KNOW I LIKE OLDER GUYS OKAY OKAYYYY) There's a thing... in my opinion his mindset is like typically a 17-year-old, and I'm kinda annoyed by it sometimes. I'm 14 but I'm intelligent and my mindset is like that of a 30-40-year-old, which can cause troubles sometimes, but it's beneficial at most occasions. I'm physically more attracted to 1 (

    • D) and mentally as well. There's more sexual attraction with 2 tho if you understand what I mean. We're in the same friendgroup, so recently we had an online groupcall with a couple of 15 friends, and 2 noticed the chemistry with 1 and became kinda jealous (LMAO THAT WAS SO CUTE). I talk to 2 more often, that's why my feelings are stronger for him then for 1. I think you might feel like I'm crazy because I'm 14 and they're 17-18, but it's because of the mindset older males are attracted to me and I'm more attracted to them. My mom knows both of them and likes them both. My dad knows them too and thinks they're okay, he doesn't really develop a bons with my friends. What should I do? Any advice and tips will be appreciated <3

  • Ok so Person 2 is my current boyfriend. He's an amazing boyfriend and he cares about me a lot and brings me presents like flowers and earrings. I always had no problem being committed to him, but I recently befriended a girl (Person 1) who I started to develop feelings for too. Her and I have kissed before, and I feel like it's a possibility that she's interested in me. The quiz said I should go for Person 1, which sounds like it would be a good idea, but I don't know what to do and I'm scared of losing my boyfriend and then regretting it. Does anyone have any advice for me?

    • If you have been getting feelings for another people while dating someone. You obviously don't like person 2 if you are thinking and kissing person one. I would try not to drag the boyfriend on too long because it's no use if you don't think you like him and you are also wasting his time.

  • Person 1 and person 2 are two guys i'm friends with. Person 1 is totally my type, he's serious, has a good sense of humor. We both have romantic interest for eachother, we always act like a couple when we're together. Kissing/ cuddling and stuff. But he consufes me, because he said that he's better off alone so he can do whatever he wants, yet tells me he misses me like crazy everyday. Person 2 is a guy who likes me and would want a relationship with me. we kisses a couple of times. He's sweet and kind and we laugh a lot, but i just don't feel all the emotions i feel with person 1 with him... he's not my type at all either.. i can't even think of getting in a relationship with him, instead i wish i was in one with person 1

    • Dude... person 1 is leading you on for nothing and still keeping u treating you like a toy as if he owns you. Person 2 is the ideal choice

  • Person 1 is my current boyfriend of over a year. Recently, my best friend, Person 2, revealed that he has feelings for me which I had begun feeling as well. I attempted to break up with my boyfriend, but it was so difficult for me that I felt I was meant to be with him. Things were okay for a while and then my best friend started arousing feelings again.

    My boyfriend is so safe. He is calm and my family loves him. My best friend is so not safe. I can tell he would create chaos in my life and I am unsure if he would care for me like I wish for. My mom doesn't like him nearly as much as my boyfriend.


      If you are already in a secure relationship that your family know about and support you for dont give up something as precious as that for your best friend. Simply say to he/she that you are already in a relationship and that you hope that you can stay friends

      Hope this helped

  • Okay so Person 1 and I have been sort of an unofficial couple for some months now but he's sort of bipolar and makes me feel really uncomfortable sometimes and gets angry over very little things

    Person 2 has been my friend for a while and I think I'm starting to like him and that's not good cause I already have person 1 :( but he makes me laugh a lot more than person 1 and he's just as much supportive and I think they both care about me a lot, but person 2 is less selfish.

    I really like both, cause person 1 is caring and sweet and loveable, but also bipolar and quickly angry or annoyed.

    person 2 is a really nice guy who makes me laugh a lot, but I don't know if he'd like me back and the thought of us being together does feel a bit strange (but maybe that's because I still like person 1 idk)

    • I think you should choose Person 2 because its not a liability on you AND it's not your responsibility to work with someone who's got issues. You only stay if you feel like... which is clearly not the case here. I feel Person 2 is the best choice for you because you can be carefree with him and he sounds really awesome

  • So person one is my brothers best friend so a year older but he's cute and knows I like him, they both like anime, both weirdos. But person 2 is HOT and charming but I absolutely love teasing him! We sit next to each other in English and he's my type. But I kinda hate him, he corrects me a lot! And is annoying I call him to Luis, and Ajax, cause he looks like Ajax from Wednesday when he has his hat on.

  • So, I started dating person 1 in October and in November I found out he was in another relationship with a girl in another country i was upset and frustrated so I went out with another person and now I am in relationship with both of them but I love person 1 so much but person 2 show me all the love and he is dating me alone but I have no love for him because my heart can't stop beating for person 1. Please I need advice

  • So person 1 is my ex I just broke up with today for another guy (person 2) Person 1 always made fun of me and Im sensitive so it hurt me but he always said it was a joke. Person 1 is also in the same grade as me and we have some classes together. Ive been introduced to his family. Ive kissed him and hugged him. But we had an issue lately. Person 2 makes me laugh a lot. Hes a grade younger than me but we play tennis together. He makes me really happy.

  • The guy1 is my ex he really loved me but somethings were there coz of which I couldn't love him when we were in the relationship the second guy seemed sad but he didn't show anything so I can stay happy with him but at a point it affected me , my ex was really really overprotective for he didn't like any of my male friends he wanted me all for himself he always wanted to talk to me even in my study time this realllllyy pissed me of . The guy2 is my best friend we know each other from kindagarden and he loves me from7th grade but never expressed he always respect my decision , he never treats me like only his gurrlll he takes me as an independent girl whom he loves and helpful me to recover my grades my mind etc he confessed me his feelings a month ago and I was really happy coz I too wanted this but after one month of our breakup my ex is madly trying to contact me and cries saying that he wants sends me gifts Sketches he left everything i hated , takes me out Pampers me and he when he new my best friend proposed me he was all mad crying and telling me not to accept it he even drunkdiled me once crying and stuff .. look I am really happy with person2 and can Imagine myself with him but my ex always pokes between us and it's difficult for me to see someone like this I don't know what to do I asked him to move on and even helped him to move on but he never understands this

  • Guy 1 is this boy that I have a weird relationship with. First, I liked him because he was cute. But then, he started being rude and he was insulting me. Soon I hated him and never wanted to talk to him again. However, a few weeks ago I saw him again and he smiled the best smile I've ever seen on his face, and we talked for some time. I started crushing on him HARD. But I didn't see him after that and I'm scared that he'll go back to insulting me. So I've been trying to hate him, but I can't stop thinking about him. ALso, I'm pretty sure he has a girl

    Person 2: is this boy in a lower grade than me, but the same age as me. He's funny and nice, but i don't think that he likes me that much, and once he ignored me.

    There's this other thing that they both look related. Maybe I have a type, and I've seen then together. But I dont know........

    • This comes down to you and you just have to think about who do you truly like more like who do you see yourself with in the long run. Who do you see your self with when you are older

  • Omg I thought I was the only one who loves two different guys... it’s really hard for me because Ryan is person number 1, he lives in South Carolina and I live in jersey city and it’s complicated being in a long distance relationship with him and mostly we argue and other negative things coming but we always find a way to come back closer again... sometimes I think we’re gonna break up again because we argue too much because it happened the first time, we broke up because he said that we argue too much and I was heartbroken for one whole month until person 2 showed up name Eric... he was like a friend to me but he loved me ever since I’m the beginning and I mean this dude literally has very strong feelings for me and he’ll do anything and I mean anything for me... he says I love you to me every single day and he says that he does everything for me and he wants me to be happy everyday and have a good life with me and love me forever until the day he dies... he’s very passionate and sweet, funny, cute, smart, funny, goofy, etc... I still love Eric but I’m also with Ryan but it’s hard to choose who I love, I can’t choose between both of them, I mean wow

  • I like Person 1, but I'm helping him and his girlfriend (my bestie) actually talk to each other. We're only 12, after all. I feel like I like Person 1, but I want to help my bestie and him have a stronger relationship. I can still secretly like him, right? He teases me (in a joking way), makes me laugh, and we hang out all the time. I feel like he only does this because I've been helping them. We've gotten to become better friends, but deep down inside, I'm not really sure if we are. Help! (I can be friends with this dude, right?)

    confuzzeld bee
    • But I mean... do I really like person two? He is funny, teases me. in a joking way, and makes me laugh. But he does that to everyone.

      confuzzeld bee
  • Person 1 is a guy in my school, I had a crush on for a month now, I kinda relate to him and love how hes carefree and outgoing, and he never fails to make me laugh, hes kinda my friend..? I cant wait for the class when we sit next to each other etc I have no idea if he likes me back tho. Person 2 is a guy who told me he liked me not too long ago and that I rejected because I didnt have feelings for him at the moment, I dont really talk to him but when I do, Im myself and I feel comfortable around him, a couple days ago I realized that I kinda liked him now that he for sure didnt like me anymore, and he said he liked someone else. So I dont know what to do and who I like now :,)

  • So I just met person #1 and he is super cute and nice and person #2 I have known for a while and we love to tease each other and I like him a lot and my friends don't know I like him but they tease me saying that he is my soulmate and stuff. I don't even know if either of them like me. I have no idea which one to choose!

    • Which one makes you more happy? Which one can you see yourself with in the future

  • Guy 1 is my boyfriend and guy 2 is my Bestfriend which also happens to be my boyfriends Bestfriend, but Heres another thing, guy 2 is ALSO...... my ex. I know its messed up in a way and I already confessed to guy 1 (boyfriend) that I still had feelings for guy 2 but I also liked him, he wasnt mad about it he was thankful that I was honest with him and he said he kinda knew about it already and we talked blah blah blah but he states that as long as nothing happens between me and guy 2 and as long as I soon get over my feelings for guy 2, I can continue my relationship with him (guy 1) but what makes it even worse is that I found out guy 2 also still has feelings for me....... my results in the test was guy 2 btw......

  • So P1 (old crush i liked for 6 yrs (ik ik)), he doesn't go to my high school but we are still in the same friend group online. I liked him for a while and i found out he liked my bsf. (Its fine i still love her tho). I was shaken for a while and really depressed. I got over him (i haven't but i'll get to that)

    P2 Someone I met in High school we are really close friends and Its nice hanging around with him almost like a bsf, however idk if im feeling more. I really dont know if I like him and im really unsure.

    Recently i feel like im not over p1 and idk what to do idk if i like P1 again and/or I have a crush on P2

    Can someone provide Help? Please ive never been in this situation

  • Person 1 & I have known eachother for 6 years, talking on & off for 2years. After 3 months of being in a relationship, long story short I found myself saving him from going to jail, arguments, & being alone BUT hes very supportive, a provider, & caring. Vs. Person 2 & I been official for 2 months. Hes sweet, patient and kind. Hes going through a rough patch so right now im holding him down and I know tough times dont last forever but I can only put up with so much.. besides his financial situation. I went through his phone & found he was talking to other females & elaborating on how he would perform oral sex.. not 1..2 but 3 times !! AND changed his password & that hurt me because I told him my hurt from my past relationships & it really messed my trust. When I confront him its im sorry, its my fault. Even if he doesn't cheat on me physically, he could be cheating mentally. Neither man or relationship is perfect & I love them both but refuse to go through disrespect just to be happy.

  • I've been dating this guy for months now, but I realized recently that my feelings just arent as strong for that person as they are for the new person. I dont want to crush the person's heart I'm dating though, as they love me very much. The person I am interested in has made multiple moves on me. So yeah.

    • Just tell the person you are dating that you think its time to take a break and its time to see other people. Also say that you still have feelings for them but its not as strong as it used to be then go from there

  • There are these two guys i like, person 1 i have know since we went even in school yet and person 2 which i have known his since fist grade, guy 1 is bu and guy 2 in pan, while in having a gay panic about which one i like more, they have both asked me out, while i feel more open around guy 1 and guy 2 is like a perfect human, he dances amazing and is taller than me and teases me alot while guy 1 is also taller than me but dosent tease me which makes me more comfortable around him but the test said guy 1 so im gonna trust the test-

    • Ya you should if he makes you feel more comfortable around him you should go for it


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