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- 13.8K
Will you be Anna Sewell's glorious Black Beauty, or wild and wonderful Spirit? Misty of Chincoteague and and Seabiscuit are also on here, even though I know …
- 5.2K
Lets face it, guys and girls, no matter how hard we try, we can not get rid of the little evil we have, like lying, cheating.etc. Why do people avoid you? Do …
- 4.7K
are you excided to take this quiz? well you should be because this quiz is really fun and it is sweet to! this quiz will dig deep in side your brain and find …
- 205K
A person's Fursona has to truly represent who they are, therefore, the animal they should choose to make into a Fursona should be one that they can personally …
- 11.6K
There are many animal spirits and aura spirits, some are powerful, some are friendly. Some are evil, some are wise. What I can tell you is animal spirits are …
- 2.8K
I noticed that it seems like people allways do 7 minuts in heaven for girls. so I just made one for boys! hope you engoy!==================================== …
- 71.7K
Do you believe in magic? have you ever wanted to be something other than human? Mermaids, half human, half fish, are one of the most amazing mythical creatures. …
- 5.3K
Heavy metal (often referred to simply as metal) is a genre of rock music[1] that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and …
- 2.2Kwhat's your future?3.4rated: 3.4/5Promoted 14 years agotaken 2.2K times3 comments
i know the future,but i can't tell you everything too specific because it could effect the future and if that happens the world would be unbalanced!!! …
- 1.4K
This quiz tells you who you turly are.You can deny it all you want but this is a great way to see your true colors.Also, if your bored at home this is a great …