How Beautiful Are You?(Inside and Out!) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Beautiful Are You?(Inside and Out!).
You are definitely 64% the most beautiful person you can be
You're pretty beautiful. You love life and youself. But, to be the most beautiful person you can be, scream it to the world!!!
It might be, I thought the same that I'm considered as average looking, whatever, just love myself
You are definately 75% the most beautiful person you can be
You rise above all others in self esteem and your actions. This truly shows that you're amazing.
Nope. xD I have no self esteem, whatsoever...
You are definately 48% the most beautiful person you can be
You're almost letting yourself be beautiful. What's stopping you? Always be the best you can be and never give up on yourself or others. can LET yourself be beautiful? now theres a skill i didn't know
You're pretty beautiful. You love life and yourself. But, to be the most beautiful person you can be, scream it to the world!!!
(makes doubting sounds) yeah... I uhhmm, eh... I'm ugly actually
70% people can say I'm beautiful, but still I never believe them, when do you know if a person is speaking the true?
54% I am not really into all that "positive thinking" crap but 5/10 just because I bothered to take this quiz.
i would have given myself 10000% but whatever floats your boat. :)
50% better than some of the other quizzes I took
Wow! 73%!Sweet :)
64% :) lovely!
It might be, I thought the same that I'm considered as average looking, whatever, just love myself
55%.. oh.
57% Woo, I would have given myself -100% but yay! :DDD
Describes me alot too O.o
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