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- 3.5K
There are many beautiful hair styles out there, but there is only a few for everyone. Each one has it's own sheek look. Each one suits the person who is wearing …
- 2.3K
there are many boys with many different personalities in the world. They range is from nice and sweet to mean and hot. so take this quiz and start searchin'!!! …
- 1.8Kcall of duty black ops quiz3.74rated: 3.74/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 1.8K times1 comment
There are alot of smart people out there, come on guys i know most of you can past this if you played black ops before. its and easy quiz, i no you guys can do …
- 1.6K
This quiz will decide if ur happy calm or depressed It might be a little suckish because its y very first quiz so comment and tell me if you like it. …
- 3.2K
Who are you in the closet with?What is your story? Is it good or bad. Di you make out or strip naked? COTTON CANDY ROCKS! sorry just had to sat that. …
- 1.3K
This quiz was meant for entertainment only. Don't, i repeat, don't take this quiz seriously, its meant for entertainment purposes only. So, find out what type …
- 2.7K
We all love our friends! They're caring, loyal, compassionate, and plain old awesome! If your friends suck, too bad! But have you ever wondered where you stand …
- 2.1K
some people are normal and blend with other normals. Most people are normal.Others are the ones who attract attention. Commomly called "weird" …
- 3.1K
A mood is what you are feeling. This quiz will tell you your mood. But remember to answer these questions honestly or else the quiz wont work. Each result has …
- 1.9K
Do you want to find out what type of guys you are interested in, and if they are interested in you? Well, to find out, you should take, who is the ideal guy for …