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- 12.9K
This is the second part to my I-don't-know-how-many part series about Draco. I hope you've done the first one first, because otherwise some things won't make …
- 1.7K
So, you often sit up at night, thinking, wht do you think of? Is it cheese?(of course!!!) or is it this line," who is my dream guy?" well, think no more! …
- 1.8KWhat starter Miscrit should you choose?2.9rated: 2.9/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 1.8K times1 comment
Miscrits: World of Adventure is a pleasant yet simple computer game on Facebook, the most commonly used social network. It takes place in a land called …
- 1.4K
Many people are alike yet many are different. It helps to have some similar intrests and some different views and things in your life. Relationships and …
- 12.1K
This is a girls only quiz, it's my first quiz, so sorry of the misspellings. …
- 6.5K
What kind of nail polish is right for you? Find out in just a few minutes with this awesome, fun quiz! Please rate so I know how I'm doing, and comment to let …
- 7.1K
This quiz was made because it shows you how people may or may not think of you. With taking this quiz, you can find out that information. For all you know you …
- 19.3K
What Famous Person do You look like?If you want to know take this quiz and find out!In 12 simple Questions you can have your answer! Please Rate and comment! …
- 4.6K
Hello, this is the final quiz in the series. Thank you for sticking with me! I'm sorry about taking so long, I was on a trip. But it's here now! …
- 5.5K
In this quiz you will be confessing certain things depending on what your result tells you. You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable, but it would be fun …