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- 25.1K
You have just been kidnapped by four smoking-hot guys,Austin,he has dark brown hair and deep enchanting blue eyes,Andrew,he has blonde hair and deep green …
- 1.2K
People say I'm in love! Or I love her:him! But is that really true? Are you in love? Or are you just desparate to believe you are? Well thank goodness I'm …
- 13.4K
Do you have those dreams of dating some amazing, and unreal guy? Thats in a Harry Potter book? Well, find out who it would be in this quiz. It bases off of your …
- 7.4KWhat Noblesse character are you?3.35rated: 3.35/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 7.4K times
There are many characters in Noblesse. From Human to Noblesse. Are you Rai or M-21? Are you Modified or Noble? You can find out by taking this test. :) …
- 9.2K
Are you a normal girl? Obviously, this quiz is a girl's only. The insperation came from "It's All About Me". I'm putting my favorite quizzes online, so you can …
- 7.5K
So this is part of a romance story. YOUR story. who will you end up with? Sly Draco? Shy Ron? Cute Harry? The mischief making Weasley twins? Clever Seamus? Or …
- 34.8K
I made this quiz because I took WWE quiz after WWE quiz,and it did not fit my style or taste! So I decided to make my own. I hope you enjoy it! The quiz …
- 2.9K
There are tons of pretty and cute girls out there, but are you one of the few beautiful ones? Find out in this test that proves if your a true beauty!! …
- 34.4K
So this is a Draco Malfoy love quiz. I've left everything pretty open, so you could be in any house and you ban insert your name into any _____s …
- 1.6K
There are so many "girly girls", but the majority of them are just faking it to change their image. Find out what you are, by taking my awesome quiz. …