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- 2.6K
Have you ever wondered what celebrity you were most likely to be? have Do people often say "hey you look like this celebrity or "is that such and such? …
- 1.6K
Some girls worry about their outfis alot. They think no onw will like them if they wear something out of place. It's really kind of sad if you know what i mean. …
- 8.3K
Find out what name best fits your personality! Are you athletic, smart, popular, attractive, average? Take this fun, entertaining quiz to find out! (: …
- 1.1K
Have you ever wished you could jump into a book and join the vharacters? well if you have, then that book really appeals to you! their must be a reason right? …
- 3.8K
This quiz is for girls who want to know more about their Faye in love. How they will fall in love and just how sweet it will be. More importantly how in love …
- 2.2K
This is a random quiz. Sadly, it's not a quiz about how random you are, but it's just a random quiz... …
- 25.4K
This quiz is not for people that just were through a break up. It is for people that have been single for a long time. Or a long enough time to wonder "Why am I …
- 3.7KHow Much Do You Love The ICONic Boyz?2.78rated: 2.78/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 3.7K times2 comments
On America's Best Dance Crew we saw many talented crews, but the one that stood out was obviously the ICONic Boyz! they showed us that it doesn't matter how …
- 2.3K
Do you know about exotic fruits? This quiz will help you find out what exotic fruit YOU are. …
- 1.8K
There are many different types of people in the world. Most of them have more than one side to them, and sometimes what people see is different from the inside. …