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- 1.3K
I don't know what to right here so I'm just going to blab on about my quiz. I had a lot of fun making the quiz but it took a lot of hard work and elbow grease! …
- 2.8K
can you imagian meeting the boy of your dreams at a party and being able to do whatever you want with him in a closet for 60 mins!? it is truly amazing. …
- 13.2K
Are your dreams, -- those wild, fantastic and definitely uncensored jumbles of images that bombared us in our sleep, -- …
- 26.1K
Find out what type of dream you will get tonight! Also take my quiz, "What type of dream do you mostly get, and what do they mean" and get a more accurate …
- 3.5K
So ur invited to an awesome party and im the host. We announce that were playing seven minutes in heaven. There are three guys... John the best friend...Mark …
- 2.5K
Have you been told you were hot? Or how about someone told you you were ugly? This is the perfect place for you to find out!So come on and let's have you take …
- 2.6K
A low-stressing, but high salary job? Isn't that a dream job for all of us? We all have the potential to do what we want, and we all have the potential to have …
- 10K
There are many people in the world who want to be a singer. Do you? You might. My quiz might be wrong, quizzes can't always be right. You might be a good one or …
- 3K
This quiz is for GIRLS ONLY!!! If you are a boy, there aren't any results for you, sorry. Please give me feedback: this is my first Seven Minutes in Heaven …
- 7.9K
GIRLS ONLY!!! Did you ever want to know what type of girl you are. What people think of you. Or need advice on changing from geeky to normal or tomboy to …