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- 2.4K
Alright, I'm the creator of the Dream Story quiz series. I was looking through all the comments and feedback I got, and noticed that I had several users asking …
- 18.8K
There are two names everyone has there birth name and there magical name. What is your magical name? Find out! Any name you have is really powerful and use it …
- 1K
This is a nice quiz about how nice you are and how much people love you. sorry if any words are mispelled. This is my second quiz I hope you enjoy it. …
- 1.7K
There are many people out there who does not even know I'f they are gorgeous or not. Wanna find out/ Come take this quiz, It can change everything about you! …
- 5.3K
There are many people out there who does not even know I'f they are gorgeous or not. Wanna find out/ Come take this …
- 3K
This is my Second Seven Minutes in Heaven quiz. There are NO RESULTS FOR BOYS! Please coment and give me ideas for my next quiz. Thanks! …
- 5K
In a group of friends, not everyone is the samer, or else there'd be no fun, no variety. There are many different types: the leaders, the followers, the random, …
- 2K
To be a true Taylor Swift Know-It-All, is to be awesome. However, it is not easy. If I shouted out "Get me with those green eyes baby", could you tell me what …
- 20.9K
The statistics of teenage pregnancy, and consequently: teenage parents, has been increasing as the decades have progressed. Depending upon your attitude, this …
- 6.5K
Facebook is the number one social media site online, with about a gazillion and a half active users. Facebook left …