Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"That's part of the fun!"
‘No, I’m not jumping, good go-‘
Maeve and Lavender had reached the top by now. Maeve thought it would be funny to push the two off the cliff, so she did. -
Jayden cheered, holding Chester's hand as he fell.
Chester screamed, holding his boyfriend close to his chest as they fell. They splashed into the water.
Jayden held his breath and braced for impact. After a bit, he floated up to the surface. "That was awesome!"
Chester clung to Jayden, coughing. ‘No! No it was not!’
Jayden laughed, swimming back to the shore.
Chester followed him. He stood up on the sand, catching his breath. ‘Maeve, I swear to- Maeve don’t you dare!’ Maeve jumped off the ledge, holding hands with Lavender.
Jayden cheered for them both, grinning. "Do a cannonball in!"
Maeve heard him and did so. Lavender was screaming.
They both went in the water with a huge splash. Jayden kept cheering once they got up to the surface.
Maeve giggled, giving them a thumbs up. Chester laid out a towel and sat down on it. ‘Good god, you’re all going to give me a heart attack.’
"The splash you guys made was huge!" Jayden offered both of them hi-fives.
Maeve head butted his hand, giggling. Lavender smacked his hand.
Jayden grinned. "I'm going to go again. Chester, you coming?"
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