Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘That’s okay, we can live in a pyramid,’ Chester grinned.
Jayden chuckled. "Sounds great."
Chester helped him pile sand.
Jayden chuckled.
Chester kissed the side of his head. Lavender was chasing Maeve onto the shore.
Jayden looked up at the two of them with a laugh, leaning into Chester.
Maeve and Lavender collapsed onto the sand next to them, giggling.
Jayden grinned, giving a small wave while he built the pyramid.
Maeve is waved back, giggling as she caught her breath.
Jayden chuckled. "You two alright?"
‘I think I swallowed a galleon of seawater.’ -
"Well... Don't die." Jayden chuckled.
‘I’ll try,’ Maeve grinned.
"Good." Jayden kept working on his pyramid.
Chester kept working on it too.
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