Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘No, I’ll be fine down here,’ Chester said.
Jayden frowned slightly. "Alright. If you change your mind, I'll jump with you again~"
‘I probably won’t,’ Chester said. ‘Don’t hurt yourself!’
"I'll try not to!" Jayden ran up to the cliff.
Chester chuckled and watched Maeve and Lavender play in the water
Jayden jumped off of the cliff, splashing all of them in the process.
Maeve and Lavender giggled. Maeve splashed water on him in return.
"Hey!" Jayden laughed.
‘That’s payback!’
Maeve splashed him again, giggling. Lavender kicked water at Maeve.
‘You traitor!’
‘This is war!’ -
Jayden splashed both of them.
Maeve tackled Lavender. They both splashed Jayden as they fell into the water in a fit of giggles.
Jayden kicked water at them both.
Maeve and Lavender kept giggling, splashing water at each other and Jayden
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