Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden chuckled, holding onto him.
Chester carried him bridal style out of the room and to the front of the castle, where Maeve and Lavender were waiting.
Jayden set himself down once they got to the front of the castle, chuckling.
Chester kissed the side of his head. ‘Ready to go?’ he asked the girls.
Lavender nodded. Jayden grabbed Chester's hand and started walking.
Casimir smiled, letting him. He carried the bag that had their stuff that I totally mentioned before.
Phhht ok. Jayden followed him.
Maeve and Lavender trailed behind them.
‘Which one do we wanna go to? I can teleport us somewhere cool,’ Maeve said. -
Jayden shrugged. "I don't care."
Chester shrugged too.
Lavender leaned into her. "We could go to that spot in the Caribbean..."
‘Oo, yes, that spot!’
‘What spot?’ -
"You'll see~" Lavender grinned.
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