Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘C’mon, I’ll teleport us there,’ Maeve grabbed Chester’s hand. Chester pulled Jayden closer. They disappeared
The feeling of teleporting was strange. Jayden wasn't a fan of it. It felt like the whiplash of a roller coaster, but 10 times worse, and unexpected for Jayden since roller coasters didn't exist back then. Once they reappeared, there were in a sandy beach, with a huge cliff they could climb on and jump off of into the water.
Maeve grinned, letting go of Chester and running with Lavender to the cliff. Chester put their stuff on the sand. ‘Hey, where are you two going?’
"Jumping off of the cliff!" Maeve called out as she ran.
‘Jumping off a- that’s dangerous, why would you do that?!’
"Relax, we've done it before!"
‘You’ve done it before?!’ Chester called after them, watching them climb up. He grumbled and took off his shirt, stuffing it in the bag and running after them.
Jayden chased after him.
"Of course I have!" -
‘What have I told you about jumping off high surfaces?!’ Chester morphed into a phoenix and picked Jayden up in his talons carefully. He didn’t want his boyfriend to fall while trying to climb.
Jayden held onto him tight as he did.
Chester flew up to the top of the cliff and gently set Jayden down, then morphed back into a human.
Jayden smiled, grabbing his hand. "C'mon, lets go jump!"
‘Wha- No, I’m not jumping!’
"Why not?!"
‘We could die!’
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