Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden picked a blue flower and held it in his hands, running his fingers through the petals gently.
(ts?) -
(Sure, to when?)
(lunch, unless you want them to meet up again sooner?)
(Lunch is good)
Chester walked down to the dining hall, swinging his pocket watch. -
(cool lol)
Jayden walked to the dining room as well, meeting up with him. "How'd work go?" -
‘It was fine,’ Chester said, grabbing his hand and pulling him close. ‘Did you blow anything up while I was working?’
"Nah. Just laid down on the flowers."
‘I should’ve been laying there with you,’ Chester said, kissing his cheek.
"You had to get work done." Jayden shrugged. "I didn't mind."
‘I guess.’ Chester pulled him closer and opened the door for him.
Jayden walked in. "Thanks."
Chester smiled and walked in after him.
Jayden took his hand and sat down.
Chester sat down next to him and kissed the side of his head. Maeve and Lavender were sitting together.
Jayden leaned into him. "How are you two?" He asked, looking over at Maeve and Lavender.
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