Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Just a couple of days!" Beatrice lied quickly.
‘Just… why? Why would you do something like this?’
"Because, you've just been so distant lately!" Beatrice huffed.
‘I’m the king, I have other responsibilities!’
"I'm your girlfriend, I can't just be ignored like a pet!"
‘I have meals with you every day, cuddle with you every night, and take you on dates every week! How am I ignoring you?!’
"You're not emotionally there with me! I'll be sitting right next to you only for your brain to still be at your desk, working!"
‘So you thought “let’s cheat with his butler”?!’
"It felt nice, having someone here actually paying attention to me for once!"
Chester was silent for a moment. Maeve looked at Jayden, then back at the two. Chester wiped his eyes before he started crying. ‘Y-You could’ve told me this.’
Jayden buried his head in his hands.
"Would you have even listened?" Beatrice countered with a huff. -
‘Yes!’ Chester exclaimed. ‘Y’know what, we’re done. Pack up your things.’
Beatrice stood there shocked for a moment. "You'll regret this." She snapped, leaving. The scene changed again, this time to Chesters' desk, showing piles of letters from Beatrice begging or threatening him to get back with her.
Jayden and Maeve were hidden behind a chest in the corner of the room. Chester was sat at his desk, head in his hands.
"This is awful." Jayden mumbled, head in his hands. "If I ever see Beatrice again-"
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