Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester opened the door and stepped inside.
Maeve covered herself in her stuffed animals to try and calm down after the nightmare. Jayden sat on the foot of her bed.
Chester sighed, sitting on the bed next to her and leaning against the headboard. ‘You okay?’
Maeve shook her head.
Chester looked down at her. He grabbed one of the stuff animals she wasn’t using and hugged it. ‘Do you want to talk about it?’
Maeve shook her head again.
‘Okay,’ Chester mumbled.
"Can I skip classes today?" Maeve mumbled, holding a stuffed goat close.
Chester sighed. ‘Fine. I’ll alert your teachers,’ he said. ‘Are you tired from the dream, or just emotionally broken? Or both?’
(just emotionally tired is crazyyyyy
also i'm only here for this one post and then I gtg for a few hours)
"Both." Maeve hugged the stuffed goat. -
Oki sounds goodddd)
‘Fair. Are you coming to breakfast?’ -
"Maybe." She shrugged. -
‘Do you want us to bring it to you?’
"No, it's fine."
‘You sure? You need to eat to regain your strength.’
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