Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"What are you doing here?" Jayden glared.
‘I wanted to see my beautiful boyfriend~’
"Who's the unlucky guy?" Jayden asked, leaning against the doorframe.
‘Don’t talk to your beloved like that, sweetheart. Come here, I want to hug you~’
"My beloved?" Jayden snorted. "Seriously, what's going on?"
‘C’mon, you’re really not happy to see me?’
"Not at all."
‘Rude. How about you let me in and we can have a chat like normal adults?’
"Pretty sure normal adults don't ask their ex to hug them after not talking to each other for god knows how long."
‘Jayden. Unlock the gate and let me in.’
‘Because I’m your boyfriend and I said so.’
"Chester's my boyfriend, and I don't want to."
‘Chester, the guy who cheated on you twice? You seriously think he loves you?’
Three times, Jayden reminded himself. "B-better than you did."
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