Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"It's fine. I might try to go for Lavenders' for a bite." Maeve posed it more like a question, looking up at her brother.
Chester gave a small smile. ‘Go ahead. Jayden and I will probably stay in today.’
Maeve beamed. Jayden gave a small chuckled.
Chester chuckled, putting down the stuffed rabbit and standing up. ‘But you’re going to school tomorrow, okay?’
Maeve nodded. "Sounds good."
‘Good. We’ll see you later, okay?’
"Okay." Maeve smiled, standing up to grab an outfit. Jayden stood up too.
Chester ruffled Maeve’s hair and walked to the door.
Maeve looked up with a smile. Jayden followed, waving before leaving.
Chester smiled back, opening the door.
Jayden walked out, smiling. "That went well."
Chester ruffled his hair, shutting the door. ‘It did.’
Jayden leaned into him.
Chester smiled, kissing the top of his head.
(I have an idea how Benji could reappear do we wanna do that this day or the next day-) -
Jayden grinned.
(either works how does it happen tell me tell me tell me)
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