Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
‘Yeah. We should hire a magician for the ball thing in a few days,’ Mildred said, taking a bite from her food.
"it would be very interesting, magicians are hard to book though. I'll discuss it with count varley." Jack said
‘Fair enough. Who’s Count Varley?’ Mildred asked.
"count varley is the man in charge of planning. He helps keep events organized." Jack said, pulling out a folder from beside his chair.
‘Oh, cool,’ Mildred said, nodding.
Jack picked up a piece of cornbread. He wasn't a very big fan without the honey butter that usually accompanied the dish but he decided to eat a piece anyways.
Mildred put her food down, not very hungry. ‘When is this ball thing again?’
"it's in three days. Oh, I had a thought. Mildred, would you like to learn how to dance?" Jack asked.
‘I suppose that would be fun. Balls do include dancing, don’t they?’ Mildred said.
"we dance and we sing. Different vampires take turns singing and playing instruments. It's very fun." Jack said. He remembered a particularly embarrassing memory where he tried singing a song and forgot all the words
‘It does sound fun,’ Mildred said, nodding. ‘What kind of songs?’
"well, we're fans of dance opera here. My favorite is attack of the killer plant. It's a story about a cowardly florists assistant that finds an alien plant that eats human blood." Jack said
Mildred blinked. ‘Oh. How lovely. And rather unhinged.’
"It is unhinged. It the best part. That opera also has an evil dentist that abuses the poor female florist that the main character is in love with. It makes it very satisfying when he chokes on his own anesthesia" jack said
‘Fun,’ Mildred said, unsure whether to laugh or not.
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