Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
"it's less weird sounding when you see it in action. There's also one about an orphan who gets adopted by a very wealthy nobleman. It's called Annie. I should take you to a dance opera someday." Jack said
‘Fair enough. And you should, it sounds fun.’
"It's very fun. Every time a new one shows up you can't escape the songs for years." Jack says, he then starts humming the Schuyler sisters from Hamilton
(HAMILTON MENTIONED (I’m listening to it rn lmao))
Mildred chuckled. ‘Fun.’ -
"they're holding one tomorrow, it's apparently about a phantom that haunts an opera house and is in love with a young singer named Christine." Jack said
(Had to mention Hamilton somewhere in the musical rosterdespite the fact that the revolutionary war probably doesn't even exist yet in universe/hj) -
‘Sounds like a cute love story. And rather unconventional, but cute,’ Mildred said.
(Obviously, I love it so muchnahhh it’s fiine lmao) -
"oh no, I heard it's a tragedy, also very grand. I'm very nervous that I'm going to root for the villain because I read a bit of the book and it's shaping up into a different tragedy I read." Jack said. He had a habit of rooting for villains when they were described as hideous. He found people to be far crueller to those they thought to be ugly and it made him upset.
‘Oh, nevermind then. Who’s supposed to be the villain?’ Mildred asked.
"it's the phantom that's the villain. The boy we're supposed to root for is some pretty noble boy who knew Christine in her childhood. Next week they're doing a dance opera about school children hosting a dance opera and being harassed by a phantom." Jack said
(I also had to sneak the goosebumps musical into the list) -
‘Oh, right. Lots of phantoms,’ Mildred said.
(Hell yeah we love) -
"not nearly as many when you consider the works of Shakespeare. Hamlet had one too many phantoms convoluting the plot." Jack said.
‘Interesting trend,’ Mildred said, feeling somewhat not-cool because of her lack of knowledge about dance operas.
"it should be very exciting though, I'm sure you'll like it. Oh, I should get you something to commemorate your first dance opera. We'll figure it out tomorrow." Jack said. He had completely forgotten dinner at this point for a whole half hour
‘It does sound exciting,’ Mildred said, looking up at him.
"I can't wait for you to hear your first dance opera song. It will be a transformative experience. It's also going to be stuck in your head for months." Jack said, remembering the first time he saw heathers.
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