Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
Mildred chuckled softly. ‘Good to know.’
"it'll definitely help you blend in at the ball." Jack said before looking back at the food and remembering they were in fact eating dinner and had only eaten bread so far
Mildred didn’t mind. The bread was like gourmet bread to her. ‘Do all vampires like theatre?’
"most do. It's the highlight of entertainment." Jack said
‘Sounds cool,’ Mildred nodded.
"I suppose I should ring the dinner bell now, lest Wilhelm's work be erased." Jack said
‘Go ahead,’ Mildred said.
Jack rang the bell and Wilhelm brought out a rare sight, a salmon.
Mildred had never been too fond of fish. She nibbled a bit of bread.
Jack cut the fish in half and put his half on his plate. Wilhelm waited patiently for Mildred to take her share of the fish
Mildred realised he was waiting and quickly took her share.
"I wonder where he bought this." Jack said. He wasn't a particularly huge fan of regular fish but with how rare it was he never minded it.
‘The fish?’
"yes. There aren't many fishers in this kingdom." Jack said
‘Right. The human town is closer to the ocean,’ Mildred said.
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