Thread Topic: Spice
Kenna laughed a little. "I didn't realize instruction manuals were fun to read," she said. "I like historical and fantasy a lot," she said. She also like romance books but there was no way she was going to tell him that.
Same tho- I never really bring up that I'm into book w romance lol))
"Well, I know an absolutely riveting book on pipeline repair. I'd let you borrow it," Ander joked. "History is fascinating, isn't it? You can learn so much about war and human patterns just from the past. I'll admit I haven't read too much from the fantasy genre lately. Got any good recommendations?" -
Kenna nodded her head from side to side. "The one's I've been reading lately have sort of been duds," she said. "Authors aren't what they used to be."
Oh my goodness Tat what if this story was being written by Ander and Kenna in the future))
"Maybe you should write your own book," Ander suggested. "I'm sure you have plenty of stories to tell. Or you could just make up one of your own. I have a feeling that you'd make a pretty good author." -
(I can imagine them laughing at themselves lol)
"Maybe," Kenna nodded.
"We should probably head back," she said. "We've been a while." She didn't want Crypta to send out a search army or robots or something for them. -
*army of robots
Ander nodded in agreement, looking at her with a sly sort of smile. "Good idea. Maybe you can do something about that too," he chuckled, gesturing to her messy, tangled hair. He walked back toward the house, breathing in the fresh clean air with a sigh of content. It was nice out here. He wished he'd visited Crypta more often, but too much interaction between them would have been suspicious. Still, he missed spending time with her. He would have given anything to have lived a normal life with everybody he loved. But then again, there was no point to wishful thinking. It only made the edges of reality sharper and harsher; they were already jagged enough to begin with.
"Sorry," Kenna smiled. She ran a hand through her mess of curls to try and calm them down. "Getting breakfast and clothes turned into going on a nice walk outside."
Bump so I can find it and write my response aie))
Tat Tat so you know how the group is always "guy from Linnus, survivor girl, and robot dog"
So what if the next person from Linnus was a robot/cyborg đŸ‘€))
"Yes, it's fascinating how easily we can be..." he drifted off, looking around at the lively forest and then back at her. Her smile was pleasant and he realized how nice it was to have company when going on a walk, and how lonely he'd been. Even if this moment could not last, he would savor it. He smiled back at her, a genuine smile with warmth and content. "...distracted." -
(Oh my goodness XD That's brilliant
I did have one where the government sent a spy into Linnus and ended up falling in love with a girl from there. Didn't get to finish it though because the person I was doing it with stopped rping)
Kenna couldn't help but smile in return, they were contagious. And for someone as serious and put-together as Ander, she appreciated his smiles more.
After a few minutes, they came back inside. "Crypta," Kenna said, while glancing at Ander with a teasing smile, "Can I have those clothes and a shower you mentioned so that Ander stops making fun of my bed hair -
Big oof))
Crypta glanced curiously at the two, sawing her pancakes in half with a spoon. "Certainly. I'll just pop in and grab some for you and the bathroom is, uhm..." she scrunched her nose, trying to think before waving her spoon in the general direction of the bathroom. "Somewhere over yonder. You know it when you see it, I labeled it." -
Kenna let out a soft chuckle at Crypta's lack of organization. Once she had the clothes in hand she went down the hallway and into the door labeled bathroom. She took a nice quick shower and then got dressed in her new clothes.
Ander watched her go with a small smile as Crypta eyed him suspiciously, waving her spoon in reprimand."
"Stop it. You're making that face," Crypta said, leaning over to smack him with her spoon.
He dodged the attack, frowning at her. "What face?"
Crypta made an exaggerated expression of longing and mystery which made Ander crack up. "I do not look like that! I don't know what you're talking about."
"You two just met and you're on teasing terms already? You're getting attached, you soggy noodle."
Ander rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows at her. "I am not. You're being ridiculous. Besides, I'm not taking advice from anyone who eats pancakes with a spoon."
Crypta gasped dramatically, placing her hand on her chest. "I needed my forks and knives for my upgraded Roomba! You won't poke fun when you're face to face with my Roomba-tron."
Ander laughed, reaching down to pat Robo's head as the dog nosed his way towards the table. "You're the only person eccentric enough to make one."
"You mean I'm the only one clever enough. But seriously, Ander," Crypta set her spoon down, glancing to see if Kenna was out yet before looking back at him. "Don't break her heart or anything, okay? I like her."
"Since when have I ever been a heartbreaker?" Ander protested. Crypta raised her eyebrows, clearly not satisfied. "You know I wouldn't do something like that. Besides, it's not like that."
"I never said it was. But if you hurt her or anything with your "I'm Ander and I live alone", I'm sending Robo to eat every good pair of pants you have."
Ander looked down at Robo, who was innocently tugging at the legs of his pants. "Noted." -
Book chapter enjoy))
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