Thread Topic: Spice
(Teasing-terms XD
Only a select few are allowed to tease the mighty Ander)
Just then, Kenna came back in feeling fresh and ready to gobble down some food. In between bites of eating Crypta's delicious bapple pie she had made the night before, she asked, "Is there anything we need to do today?" She had absolutely no idea what running from an evil organization entailed, or if they would just sit tight for the time until they figured out how to get away. -
Ander be like: 🗿))
Robo nosed his way over to Kenna, pushing his snout into her hand to beg for attention. Ander deftly stole one of Crypta's pancakes while she was distracted, stuffing it into his mouth before she could notice.
Crypta tapped her gloved finger to her chin in thought. "Do you know how to handle a weapon, Kenna?" -
"Not one bit," Kenna said, trying to keep a straight face at Ander's thievery and the fact that he looked like a chipmunk now with an entire pancake in his mouth.
The Arpee))
Ander quickly chewed the pancake, looking at Crypta with no shame as she rubbed her hands together delightedly. "Maybe I could get you to try something special. What about a-"
"How about we start with something simple?" Ander interrupted. "Maybe like a dagger or a gun."
Crypta looked crestfallen, nodding hesitantly. "Yes, I...I suppose that's a better idea." Her face lit up again. "And then you could try out some of my beauties!" -
Kenna couldn't help but chuckle nervously at the thought of Crypta's "beauties." She was also nervous at the prospect of just training in general. She was going to learn how to hurt people. To defend herself, of course, but what if she maimed someone? What if she was ever in a situation where...where she had to kill in order to survive? The mere thought unsettled her.
Ander clapped his hands together. "Looks like my work is cut out for the day. Let's get you started on a simple gun, shall we?"
"Outside, if you please. I don't want bullets in my walls again," Crypta added.
Ander rolled his eyes. "I shoot inside the house once, just once mind you, and she doesn't forget it 'til the end of time." -
"I know I wouldn't," Kenna remarked as she stood up. She felt tense as she followed Ander outside. She had no idea what she was going to do. She found it funny how she had been looking forward to it slightly just a few minutes ago. Now there was a big pit of anxiety in her stomach.
((frantically running over to Google to find out how to use a gun))
Ander pulled his gun out of its holster, flipping it purely to show off before holding it out to her. "You look a little nervous. Are you okay?" -
"No," Kenna said, her voice coming out as more of a nervous squeak. "I'm learning how to use a killing machine."
Ander frowned, his arm lowering. "Hey. Hey, no. That's not it. The owner of the gun is what makes it a killing machine. You?" He shook his head. "You're not a killer. But you need to know how this works, to protect yourself. The people out there will be hunting you down, and they will kill you if given the chance." He held the gun out to her again. "So don't give them that chance."
That only helped Kenna a minute amount. She took a breath. Maybe she could just aim for the legs or the shoulders or something. Would Ander allow that? She didn't know. But she took a second deep breath and quietly said, "Okay."
Ander nodded approvingly, before unsheathing his knife. "We'll need a target. Let's see..." he scanned around the small clearing for a good tree, his eyes landing on a gnarled lumpy one. He began to carve out a face, crude and misshapen, then the rest of the body. He finished by marking the heart with an "x" in the bark. "You'll want to aim for the head, the vitals. Hitting them below the torso should slow them down, but they can still draw attention to you. For now, try aiming for the chest. It's a wider target."
Kenna nodded. Apparently he wouldn't. At least it was only a tree and not a person. Wait was she going to have to learn to hold it one-handedly? That wouldn't be very stable.
Ander stepped back, seemed satisfied with his work before jogging over to her. "Hold it with two hands, make a firm base with your legs." He showed her how it was done, standing in a sturdy position and smacking his hands against his legs for emphasis. "You'll need a strong base to shoot."
Kenna hardly ever stood without leaning on something. She was going to have to be really careful. She scooted her legs to be about a shoulder width apart, especially making sure that her right leg was directly under her.
'I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall,' she repeated over and over in her head, but she didn't voice her concerns to Ander. "Like this?" she asked instead.
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