Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
He's one of my friends that I've had since I was like 9 too, so I really don't want our entire friendship to blow up again because "lucas said something he wasn't supposed to again"
and that fight was genuinely scary. He's a scary dude when he wants to be (even though he's a foot shorter than me lmao) -
I also don't want to feel like I'm walking on eggshells around him, but is it walking on eggshells or am I just overthinking how boundaries work
I've really been postponing my life for this show
Why is it a thing where I get sick the week before a show is it the stress and burnout catching up to me or am I just unlucky
the sickness is definitely burnout sick
it's just a cold so it's not awful, but it's bad enough to f--- up my voice and make my brain all foggy -
I'm feeling better today tho. I think I just need some rest and peace of mine lol
I'm already getting fomo about missing Saturday rehearsals for the stupid f---ing writers convention (it's a cool 'convention' (a bunch of authors teach you how to be a cool author for 12 HOURS) but I've been to it 3 times already and it's getting repetitive) -
goddamn idiot
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