Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
phhhht Miguire has the same therapist as me now-
mwahaha i have a plan to make sure i dont get into seminary next year
would i potentially be sacrificing my entire high school social life and the fun classes in school and possibly forcing myself to feel intense burnout if I have to go through with it? Yes. Is it worth it to not go into that stupid class again? Hell f---ing yeah
plus it's just overall kind of a smart way to get college credits. It's overworking myself to the bone, but it's worth it for those college credits and scholarships so oh well
dude i get that you care about me but please stop asking me if I'm okay every ten seconds
like don't get me wrong, I get the small little check ups. What I'm upset about is that you'll be like "You sure? You don't look alright.... Can you tell me what's going on?" after I've told you I'm fine. I know you care, and I appreciate that, but I'm an open book. If I'm not okay, I'll tell you that. You don't have to pry
uuugh i was right about jinxing it, dysphoria is back
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