Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
there's nothing I can do. I can't do anything. I just have to sit here and let time run its course through this
not talking about politics btw, that sucks too but I refuse to acknowledge any of that at the moment
AJR said it's gonna get really really really really bad before it's ok so I guess I just gotta believe them
oh s--- theater chairs might be today-
I have mine ready and I think I'll do good but holy s--- there's so much emotion that goes into that and I'm really not in the mood today- (everyone in the class picks three memories, one linked to joy, one to anger, and one to sorrow, and we act them out with the real, raw memories. So it's real acting, not just memorization and fake emotion) -
theater chairs weren't today
my god today was really overstimulating there is so much running through my head -
the field trip gave me new ideas for the future tho so maybe I don't have to overwork the hell out of myself for the next 3 years
holy s---
he's been in power for literally ONE DAY and the abortion website is already down
the website I'm talking about is just in case someones reading this and wants to test it for themselves
also woah deportations are happening now- from what I've heard it's immigrants who did crimes/maybe ones whoillegally immigrated but idk how true that is. Regardless that's scary as f--- bc it means that it could escalate
My political hot takes before I log off for a bit to let off some steam:
1. Get your priorities in order. Abortion and trans health care is not more important to restrict than gun violence. I'm not going to say that guns shouldn't be legal for the average citizen to have (that's my opinion but I don't want to argue that atp) but it should be just as likely for me to get my hands on a gun in 2025 as it was for me to get my hands on puberty blockers in 2024 (aka not possible). If you cared about children dying (abortion arguments) then you'd work harder to stop school shootings
2. Deporting all immigrants and children of immigrants will make the economy WAY more unstable. It's more of a basic fact than an opinion, but it still needs to be said. I get trying to remove illegal immigrants/criminals from the country, but if that was as far as trump is planning to go, then I wouldn't be having to write my thoughts on this down -
todays just been a really icky day tbh
i haven't eaten much but i genuinely can't eat food today, I tried and failed -
and lavender oil could help help steady my emotions a bit, but I feel like it'll just make my headache worse, so instead I'm just gonna go to bed early and hope that works
what the hell do i want to do with my life
I'm too young for an existential crisis but if I don't find out what I want to do then soon I'll be in college with no clue and whoop de doo look who wasted thousands of dollars getting a meaningless degree for a job he hates- -
i think the field trip just left me in more of a oh-my-god-i-need-to-figure-myself-out mindset than actually helping figure out what courses I want to take next year
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