Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Kinda scared for my peer tutor class (where you tutor and help out the special needs kids) next semester
it's not because of the special needs kids at all, it's because there's no regulation for who can take that class, so it's always a bunch of a--holes and jerks who took that class because it's an easy A. Plus some of the special needs kids learned my deadname (idk who the f--- told them lol), and a lot of them do that little autism thing where they repeat everything especially if it gives a reaction. I know they're not trying to be mean because these kids aren't mean AT ALL, but it just kinda sucks -
but my best friends little brother is one of the kids I'm tutoring (he's deaf and blind) so I'm looking forward to that
why'd I switch seminary teachers?
I didn't ask to switch teachers, I didn't WANT to switch teachers, and I don't like this new teacher
Also she's in my neighborhood and is best friends with my mom, so she knows who I am. I got chosen to talk about Jesus and religion and all that F I V E T I M E S -
and I can't tell my parents I don't like her as a teacher because she's best friends with my mom. I could try to switch out, but knowing her she'll take it personally. Plus the whole reason I switched schedules was because otherwise I don't have a friend in that class, and I don't want to ditch my friend
if it doesn't get better by Thursday then I'm switching schedules. Maybe then I'll be able to get AP Geo with some friends
In other news I'm going to my doctor to talk about potentially getting antidepressants so that's fun ig -
that wasn't so bad
I just filled out a little paper thingo, explained my exercise and sleep schedule (my schedule on school days, not over christmas break because that was a massive outlier and I won't do that again for a loooong time) and did a little gene swab thing. I'm getting the results back in 2 ish weeks -
I'm pretty sure we decided on getting anxiety meds instead of antidepressants (the guess from my therapist is that I have so much anxiety to the point where the build up is making my depression more and more extreme) but that's more of a talk with my parents and doctor than with me, soooo yeah
i f---ing called it. I motherf---ing called it.
Why am I feeling guilty? I told her this was going to happen, I gave her the support system if it did happen, I begged her to tell me if it happened, and it did happen and she didn't tell anyone. It's not her fault obviously, this s--- is hard to open up about, but it's certainly not my fault
and I couldn't have done anything else without being that crazy paranoid friend but maybe if I did something else or got through to her better she would have trusted me enough to tell me what was happening. I'm her friend, I'm tired of not talking about this stuff
Dear whoever pulled the fire alarm in the middle of seminary, thank you so much I've never been so grateful for standing in the snow for 30 minutes
this is going in my vent thread bc it's a bit too political for my main one lol you've been warned
i kinda love it when people compare American politics to Hunger Games, like obviously it's not that extreme, but comparing California to the capitol is funny (and the trump and clinton being snow and coin jokes are funny regardless of who you support in my personal opinion) -
lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil lavender oil
I can't f---ing regulate my emotions I can't let one night ruin 4 months
i think it's just one of those days. i think i'm in control of my emotions for now but give it a few minutes and that might change haha
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