Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Kinda scared for my peer tutor class (where you tutor and help out the special needs kids) next semester
it's not because of the special needs kids at all, it's because there's no regulation for who can take that class, so it's always a bunch of a--holes and jerks who took that class because it's an easy A. Plus some of the special needs kids learned my deadname (idk who the f--- told them lol), and a lot of them do that little autism thing where they repeat everything especially if it gives a reaction. I know they're not trying to be mean because these kids aren't mean AT ALL, but it just kinda sucks -
but my best friends little brother is one of the kids I'm tutoring (he's deaf and blind) so I'm looking forward to that
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