Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
maybe that's why I'm a fairly popular kid, because I just let everyone take advantage of me every ten seconds
god that sounds like humble bragging ugh
oh my god are those really the things I think about when I'm alone?
failed science project
haha it's page 69 on here god I'm such a child
I'm honestly really nervous for the 26th-28th this year. I think Christmas will be fun (I'm finally in the spirit for it lol) bc it's with my dads side of the family, but on the 26th we're going to a hotel with my moms side of the family for a while and that sounds like a total nightmare -
f--- nanas coming over in two hours ughhhh
Nana wasn't so bad but Grandpa omfg-
It wasn't that bad it was just annoying as hell- my grandparents on my moms side came over in the morning to watch us open all of our presents, and my grandpa treats every interaction like it's an interview, and he tells the longest f---ing stories, so he kept telling these long ass stories about our cousins or our mom when she was our age or whatever while me and my siblings are looking at my parents silently begging them to let us open our presents (we do it one at a time and a lot of the time my parents don't like us opening presents without them knowing because some of them are super super special and important and they want it videoed so yeah)
and he kept stealing my 5 year old sisters toys because they're admittedly really cool and he wanted to play with them (*cough* him getting hyperfixated on her kaleidoscope and losing his mind over it for HALF AN HOUR) -
also fun fact my grandparents have no clue what Jenga is apparently- we gave my grandpa a jenga tower with all of the bricks having reasons why we love him written on it, and both of them looked so confused and apparently they've never played jenga before lmfao
what the f---
damn the gayish news this week was crazy -
triggers for gun violence
imaging blaming a school shooting on trans people that's so dumb (literally there's been 3 mass shootings done by trans people when the average for cis people is 16, I'm pretty sure they're not the problem here) like seriously a school shooting happened and all you care about it whether the shooter was trans or not good god get a life
i can't even see what the troll said lmaooooo
a lot of msgs to ppl telling them to sue the slide- and some other extremely out of pocket things
yeah i saw the posts they made on other peoples threads, but by the time I hopped onto my own it deleted lol
yeah, brownie made quick work getting rid of the posts n stuff lol
I'm not even offended, I just think it's funny when trolls try to mess with people on this site, like it's literally just a quiz site it's not that deep (*cough* this user and cheesemaniac from like a year ago *cough*)
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